When you graduate with your Chiropractic degree, and you’re ready to go out into the world to be a CHIROPRACTOR, you are going to want to have as much money in the bank as you can and have as little debt as possible. Let that sink in for a minute because maybe this sounds impossible to you. It’s not! You do not have to graduate with more than $250,000 in Chiropractic student loans. I’m going to tell you exactly what...
All of us want to open a practice to a large crowd with lots of new patients. This won't happen just because you put up a 'Now Open' sign. There needs to be a good amount effort put in, over a period of time, of:
However, you may have not had the time or the money to do this. Or, maybe you weren’t aware of the amount of work needed to open with a ...
When I sit down to think about the perfect Chiropractic office, these are the elements that come to mind. In a perfect world you would be 100% in all of these areas, for your practice to run smooth and successful. The reason most doctors haven't gotten these elements perfect is usually two-fold.
If you’re a Chiropractic student, a new Chiropractor, or you’re currently an Associate looking to startup or buy your first practice, then stay tuned, because today I’m going to tell you about The Foundation. I created it for you!
For the past 5 years, Rich and I have been mentoring students and new grads as they transition from school to starting their own clinics. Many times we gave them the encouragement and support they needed to make the...
This is an important message that will save you time, money, and heartache – and ultimately build a profitable Chiropractic office!
My parents moved almost every year of my life. I lived in:
*Overland Park, KS (North)
*Overland Park, KS (South)
*Kansas City, MO (Brookside)
*Leawood, KS
*Houston, TX
*Evansville, IN
*Overland Park, KS
*Shrewsbury, MA
*Shrewsbury, MA
*Overland Park, KS
This was all before High School! It gives me a headache just...
When Rich and I started our first Chiropractic practice (wow, almost 10 years ago!) we had a very clear vision of the type of practice we wanted to create. We wanted to build a practice where we would work together, in an inviting and comfortable atmosphere, treating the friends we made in our community, and their friends, families, and neighbors. We wanted to be able to bring our kids to work, as well as, schedule our work around trips and other...
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