The Lifestyle Practice Builders podcast, launched in July of 2016, focuses on building all of the foundational elements of a successful chiropractic business. Whether you're a student, new chiropractic graduate, or practicing chiropractor, there's something for you! Drs. Rich & Haley Day, graduates of Cleveland University-Kansas City in 2008, started their careers by building their first chiropractic office in Erie, CO. Building their chiropractic office from the ground up taught them many lessons they share on the podcast. Since starting their initial practice in CO, they've bought and sold practices, hired chiropractic associates, worked with chiropractic independent contractors, and mentored hundreds of chiropractic students as they transition from chiropractic school to being in chiropractic practice. The podcast can be found on most podcasting platforms. The most popular of them, you can listen and subscribe on, are Spotify and iTunes!
When we first started this podcast for Chiropractors, our intentions were to interview Chiropractors succeeding in practice, entrepreneurs succeeding in business, and top industry experts. Over the years we've learned that not everyone who wants to be interviewed should be. So, we apologize for some of the earlier interviews we did, some we've even deleted! More recently we've focused on interviews with experts that don't necessarily deem themselves as such. They're purely great Chiropractors, succeeding at what they love. We notice them and beg them to come on our show to share with you they're awesome energy and passion for chiropractic and business.
Here are some of Lifestyle Practice Builders top Interviews:
Are you a Chiropractic student looking for some advice as you transition from chiropractic student to practicing chiropractor? We've created a ton of resources for you, but here are some of our top podcasts for chiropractic students. Not only were we once in your shoes, but we have also mentored hundreds of students as they choose their path after chiropractic graduation. We have your best interests in mind. As a student, you have the least amount of money and need the most advice. We're here to help!
Top podcast episodes for chiropractic student:
Are you planning to start your own Chiropractic office in 2021? During this year we focused several of the episodes on helping you! We did a 5 part series - The 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Chiropractic Practice. Download the free eBook here! We have also spoke at many of the Chiropractic schools, sharing our story, and inspiring students as they take that leap. In 2017, we created the ChiroPlanner, and in 2020 we updated it. Starting a practice sin't rocket science, but having a proven blueprint and necessary checklists will increase your odds of success. Learn more about the ChiroPlanner! Then, listen to the following episodes:
Best Chiropractic Business Podcasts for Practicing Chiropractors
Are you a practicing Chiropractor? Looking for inspiration to break through your current plateau? Listen to some of the following chiropractic business podcast episodes:
If student loans are holding you back, then contact Student Loan Tutor today! Setting up a consultation with them will give you peace of mind about your finances and your future! Want to learn more about them, listen to podcast episode 195 with Student Loan Tutor founder, Zach Geist! Listen now on Spotify | iTunes. Then setup your consultation with them by filling out THIS FORM!
Developing a plan for after graduation should be something you're working on! Having a plan will put you steps ahead of others. Want to learn more about how you can get a SMART START, listen to podcast episode 194! Listen now on Spotify | iTunes. The Smart Start program walks you through your options after graduation, the top things you'll need to think about to make your personal decision, and the money management tools necessary to get you started! Get a SMART START today!
For the last 5 years, we have been producing podcast episodes, creating business resources for chiropractors, and mentoring chiropractic students and practicing chiropractors. We have learned so much and we want to help you. Please find us on Instagram, join us in our facebook group, and checkout the resources we've created to create your vision, build your practice, and grow your community influence.
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