Gain Clarity, Avoid Overwhelm, & Achieve Your Goals
The ChiroPlanner guides you through the steps to launching your first Chiropractic Practice in 100 Days.
Win the Day
Working Toward Your Dream Practice
You sink into bed exhausted, but nothing feels like it's coming together. The daily grind of school or your associate position swept you away while the vision for your practice took a back seat. We believe all of this activity is the source of overwhelm and disappointment with the plans you're making for your future. You don’t have to let your daily to-do list call the shots. There’s a better way!
Get the ChiroPlanner!A Planner that Answers your Questions
The ChiroPlanner ends the tyranny of useless advice by helping you focus on what matters most.
🚀 First, we cover the basics:
There aren't other books like this for Chiropractors - Mindset, Time Management, Habits & Planning. The ChiroPlanner helps you hone in on what matters, so you have less overwhelm and more achievement.
🚀 Then, we help you develop a vision and set goals:
What will your office look like? Where will you find patients? How will you reach your goals? Use the ChiroPlanner’s resources to move you through these steps and more, as you get closer to opening your office.
🚀 Next, we go Step-by-Step through the process:
Follow the ChiroPlanner’s resources and planning system to guarantee progress on your goals, even when life gets busy. Get answers to your questions, figure out your marketing, and use the checklists to get started!
🚀 The Planner section will keep you on track for 100 Days & beyond!
Buy Now!The ChiroPlanner Includes
- Powerful strategies you should be implementing your final year of school.
- Worksheets to identify and connect with your ideal patient.
- Worksheet to develop a vision for your ideal practice.
- 1, 3, 5 year goal sheets to plan your journey.
- Critical steps you must take to prepare.
- The power of accountability.
- The 14 Traits of a Successful Chiropractor.
- 100 day planner to document progress and create daily success
- 100+ inspirational quotes and tips to keep you moving toward your goal.
- Tips for moving beyond the first 100 days.
- The 10 Most Common Mistakes of New Docs and How You Can Avoid Making Them.
- Marketing calendar that includes ideas for each month of the year.
- An overview of the most successful practice models.
- Social media marketing tips.
- 50+ internal/external marketing ideas to start your practice right.
- New doc tips from the most highly regarded podcast guests.
- Organizational tips.
- 50 top online business registries to list your business with.
- A complete business startup and chiropractic resource list for all 50 states.
- Equipment and supplies checklist to get you started.
- Strategies for developing successful habits.
Bonus #1: Online Assessments
Bonus #2: Strategy Call
Bonus #3: 5 Things You Must Know Training

📱When you invest in you, we invest in you!
We remember what it's like. You'll get to a point where you want to phone a friend. We're that friend! The ChiroPlanner comes with online assessments and a strategy call with one of us. Get answers to your questions and know the specific steps you need to work on to achieve the next goal along your journey!
Bonus Training: The 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting Your Practice!
This additional training will go in-depth about the 5 things you must know before you start a practice. Why are they important and how can you steer clear of the mistakes others make when establishing themselves? We want to help you make the right choices. This bonus training will set you in the right direction!
Get Your ChiroPlanner Today!
Courtney Wells, DC
"This planner is a great tool in pointing you in the right direction and making sure you have all your ducks in a row! I have been carrying this around with me daily for any questions I may have. The ChiroPlanner is definitely a must-have easy concise read if you're nervous about where to start. I am on my way to opening Tru Athletic Performance thanks to these two doctor's great advice! Thank you both!!"

Jenna Vogeli, DC
"The ChiroPlanner and [Lifestyle Practice Builders] podcast are both awesome resources for planning your own practice! Even working as an associate, I loved using the ChiroPlanner to keep me accountable and on track with marketing and everything that growing a practice involves! I highly recommend the ChiroPlanner to anyone starting out or starting over in practice!"
Launch Your Practice with Confidence
Buy now and receive...
- A ChiroPlanner shipped to you!
- Online Assessments!
- A Strategy Call with one of us!
- Online Training Video - 5 Things You Must Know Before You Start!