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#187: The 4 Essentials Of Putting Your First Chiropractic Website Together, with Jon Morrison

Jon Morrison - Get Clear Consulting

Jon Morrison is passionate about helping chiropractors win. He is the Lead Consultant at Get Clear Consulting, a StoryBrand marketing agency. In this episode Jon and I talk about "The 4 Essentials Of Putting Your First Website Together." If you are just getting started or looking to do a whole website overhaul then listen now! Listen on Spotify | iTunes.

 Jon is also the Co-Founder of Clinic Sites, the only website builder made just for clinic owners. Jon is passionate about empowering chiropractors to improve their online presence. Jon is a TEDx speaker, an alumnus of Oxford University, and the author of Now Start With Who. Jon lives in Abbotsford, B.C., with his wife and three daughters. Download your copy of Chiropractic Website Essentials from Jon's website.

Building a Story Brand and Your Chiropractic Website

Jon and I start the podcast discussion by talking about the Building a Story Brand book, written by Donald Miller. Building a Story Brand is a concept of utilizing story telling to develop the message of your website so that viewers can follow along and ultimately schedule an appointment with you. It does this by establishing you as the guide to better health. We recommend you buy and read the book prior to developing your chiropractic website! Read below to follow along the rest of our conversation - The 4 Essentials Of Putting Your First Chiropractic Website Together.

1 - How Are You Going to Create You Chiropractic Website?

  • Generic chiropractic website - are you going to go with a company that mass produces chiropractic websites that mainly all look the same?
  • Custom Design by friend/local agency - are you going to pay someone to create your website for you?
  • DIY - are you going to create your website on your own?

2 - What Elements Must You Have in Your Chiropractic Website

  • Modern design - Your chiropractic website needs to look up to date! 
  • Clear content - You need to have a clear message and story that guides the viewer to book a chiropractic appointment with you!
  • SEO basics - You need to have an SEO strategy that helps you get found!
  • Easy Platform - that allows you to update the site and grow it with time.

3 - Common Chiropractic Website Mistakes 

  • Mixed message, doesn't guide the viewer to schedule an appointment
  • Copy other docs, or use cookie cutter template
  • Obsess about SEO

4 - Top Advice for Having an Awesome Chiropractic Website

Have great messaging and content. A framework like StoryBrand will help you make sure you have a site that connects and converts. But if you buy a fancy custom site and can’t make edits or it’s tough to add content, it’s going to depreciate quickly as things change. Your chiropractic website has to adapt with the changing world (and your changing world). 

Resources for Creating a Chiropractic Website!

Looking for more chiropractic website information? Read our Resources for Creating a Chiropractic Website blog post!

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