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Chiropractic Email Marketing

There are 2 reasons to use email marketing in your practice.

  • Market to new patients
  • Nurture your relationship with current patients
  • Bring old patients back into your practice when they need your care again

Market to New Patients

Marketing has significantly changed over the last few years. Most businesses are using a marketing funnel to increase new clients/patients into their business. I'm going to get straight to the point. If you have questions, then join us in our facebook group and ask away! 

A marketing funnel is the journey your new patients will take prior to entering your office. Typically this will start with a Google search to your webpage or a Facebook ad they'll click that leads the person to your website where they will download something from your website or sign-up for an initial service or product. After learning more about your business marketing funnels will map routes to conversion of them to paying patients and beyond. Once these funnels are working to bring patients in they can be utilized to drive greater sales, more loyalty and stronger brand awareness. Emails are part of this process. Have questions about marketing funnels, join us in our Facebook group and ask or send us a message on the form below. We have training for building a funnel in The Foundation.

Nurture Current Patients

Email marketing can be used to walk new patients/current patients through their  treatment plan/healthy journey in your office. You can also use an online platform like Kajabi in your practice to share health education with your patients to increase their dedication and knowledge of their health, your care, and the process. We are creating resources to help you use Kajabi in your practice. If you're intrigued reach out to us by clicking HERE.

Be Back Patients

A "Be Back Patient" is a patient who has already been in your chiropractic practice that returns for future care. Email marketing, typically weekly/monthly newsletters or membership platform like Kajabi, provides value to your patients when they are either in the wellness care phase or taking a break from care, You can also use a marketing funnel to remind patients of your care. Continuing to give valuable information to these patients will remind them of your office-the supplements they may need to stay well, treatments you offer, events you attend, etc.

Be back patients already know, like, and trust you. It is cheaper to market to them and bring them back in, when they need, than to market to new patients. There are practice management groups and companies that put all of their focus on getting new patients, but is so much easier and cheaper to keep patients under your care and have them refer their friends, family, and neighbors to you. For example, Rich and I have been customers of T-Mobile FOREVER! Anytime we've tried to call to cancel or lower our bill, they've worked with us to do everything they can to keep us happy, we appreciate that, so we've stayed with them. On the other hand, Rich worked for US Bank before chiropractic school. While working for them he noticed the company culture was so focused on getting new accounts and they never worried about all the customers leaving! This is insane. These client, your patients, have already been in your business, tried your service, and paid you money- FOCUS on them!

Resources for Email Marketing


Facebook Group

The Foundation

Have a question regarding how you can use a marketing funnel in chiropractic practice? Reach out to us on Instagram or Facebook!

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