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I could have gotten a job without the help of Dr. Day, but I got a higher quality job with his help - more money, working with better people.
Felicia Campbell, DC
That information really helps, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. That helps me to better understand their offer, and hopefully future offers! You guys are doing awesome work and I seriously appreciate the time you took on the call with me as well as following up.
Rachel, DC2B
I cannot begin to explain the amount of help Dr. Day has given me in preparing me for my future business. I got more knowledge and information from him than any business class could have ever taught me.
Sarah Triplett, DC
Haley gave me personal advice for a question I had! She actually took the time to call me personally and gave me great advice on my situation in regards to becoming a chiropractic associate. Can't thank you guys enough for all the help!
Michael, DC2B